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Happy Global Warming Day.

Even though the New Year began a week ago, for me, it really didn't feel like it had begun until today. Finally a day of uninterrupted Work Time!!!

Last week was still Vacation Time. The kids were home from school. Many people were still out of their offices, but today, life is officially back to normal. My kids were grumbling of course, but I think they'll be glad to be seeing all their friends on a daily basis again. And besides, it's fifty-eight degrees here! It's not like we could have gone sledding again anyway. (We don't own one of these here grass sleds. They do look fun, though.)

Did anyone get anything done during the last two weeks?

In 2k8 news:
Check out the class of 2k8 blog today to learn all about 2k8's first book THE OPPOSITE OF INVISIBLE, by Liz Gallagher.