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Back to School

I am officially done with copy edits for THIRD GRADE BABY. Now it's in the hands of those super talented people at FSG who take a manuscript and make it into a book.
They do stuff like choose a font and...ummm...well, i have no idea actually. Book design is a complete mystery to me. The only thing I know for certain is that I am extremely excited to see my book!

I am also excited for Fall!

It is my absolute number one favorite season. Just this past weekend the weather turned brisk, and I had a very strong urge to buy school supplies. Unfortunately, I no longer need school supplies. I do get to buy office supplies, which I enjoy, but it's not quite the same as the big back to school shopping spree I had back in my elementary days.

Maybe one day I'll write about a character buying school supplies.

This fall, however, I am going to go back to school. Some wonderful teachers and librarians that I have agreed to let me into their classrooms and libraries to practice my school visit presentations. I am very excited for this opportunity. I'll be sure to post more as the time draws near!

Hmmmmm...I wonder if there is any such thing as school visit supplies...