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The Artist's Way

With all the excitement of a book about to release, comes all the work of promoting and marketing said book. Now I'm not complaining about this. I actually like doing that kind of stuff, and have a whole bunch of fun things coming up, like contests and parties and free downloads.

But what I like to do best is still good old-fashioned writing, and I'm finding, now that my job description is expanding, it takes a little more effort than it did before to make writing my primary focus. So I'm embarking on a project. A while back, I was really feeling disconnected from my writing and I happened upon the book The Artist's Way, by Julia Cameron. A lot of her ideas appealed to me, and I immediately begain warming up for my writing sessions by writing three pages long-hand in a journal.

But now I'm taking it a step further. I want to make sure I stay in touch with my creative side even while I flex my business muscles, so I plan to follow her entire twelve week program. And if you like, you can follow me following her. (If that made sense.) Buy yourself the book if you'd like, or just watch, and then do what I do.

Week One's focus is figuring out what beliefs are holding us back in our creativity.
Tasks: Every morning get up and write three stream-of-consciousness pages in a journal.
Take yourself on a date, alone, one time this week. Do something that feels creatively energizing to you. I plan to go to the Chicago Botanic Gardens and take pictures.

I'll keep you posted!

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